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How Creativity Becomes Contagious 🤸

In my own healing journey, I've really struggled to allow outside inspiration to fuel my own expression, often feeling hindered by self-doubt and judgment.

An impromptu moment that wanted to be shared...


👋 Welcome to humanBeing. Where we gather to practice being more skillfully, creatively human together — not toward some impossible ideal of perfection — but toward greater authentic connection.


In my own healing journey, I've really struggled to allow outside inspiration to fuel my own expression, often feeling hindered by self-doubt and judgment.

But part of the power of coming home — which I discuss in the the most recent piece on the False Self—  is being able to recognize and nurture these sparks of excitement and passion, using them as a pathway to greater enlivened expression and greater connection to creativity!


I just had the experience of taking in a piece of art that moved me in such a specific way...

It's something that I would've interpreted differently for a very long time because the feeling is one of this passionate excitement at receiving someone's creative energy.

And it touched me in a way that makes me feel so enlivened that I want to do the thing that's my special way of creating. I come here, or I write, or I dance, or whatever it is that's my particular form of expression. Whether it's the way that I love my family,

the way that I tend to my home, the work that I do... Whatever it is that is the thing that is so me.

And in the past, rather than allowing the energy from some other enlivening source to touch me and to rock me until I rock that energy outward toward others...

What's happened instead is there has been this block.

I would feel this tightening in my body like, “but I can't do whatever it is.”

All of the judgments or the critique... there's this immediate dampener. Like when a string on a piano starts vibrating, and then you push that pedal down and it dampens it.

Where suddenly I stop feeling connected to that aliveness, and I stop looking for the ways that it can manifest.

I start immediately prejudging whatever it is that wants to come.

It just felt so important because this is part of the power of coming home: to let ourselves be, like, vibrated back home.

To identify: What are the things that make me feel like this? That make me feel like

“oh, I want to do it!”


“oh, I feel it!”


“It feels so good!”

I'm hoping that It can be a reminder to you and an invitation to you to really start tracking in your life the things that make you feel like this.

The things that light up your eyes, that light up your heart! And just holding onto those with such preciousness. And nurturing those, however you can.

And to identify for yourself the ripples you can keep pulling from those precious experiences into the rest of your life?

How can you utilize those ripples to help you come back home?

And from your home to help you move out into the world from that place...!


❗️ Practice...

I'm going to be launching the humanBeing Community Circle — which will include an interactive, imaginal, embodied, creative Practice specifically designed to explore this theme — very soon! If you'd like me to let you know when that's available, make sure you've signed up with your email at the bottom of the page! I can't wait to see you there!

daniel jacob self

🕐 Time For Your Wisdom! 🦉

The part I'm most excited about!!!

My goal in creating these pieces is to cultivate community around the ideologies and practices that have contributed to deep healing and greater wholeness in my life. To begin nurturing the seed of what I hope to grow – together with you and the rest of my community – into a lifelong place of creative engagement around what it means to be more skillfully human – not toward some impossible perfection, not toward some hyper-productive, hyper-individualist self-improvement addicted never-ending frenzy of impossible ideals to measure up to...

But quite simply toward greater authentic connection

With ourselves

Greater Authentic Connection with Ourselves

With each other

Greater Authentic Connection with Each Other

And with the broader living community here on this awe-inspiring planet.

Greater Authentic Connection with Our World


  • Sign up below to engage with the Practice as soon as it's released!

  • And be a part of shaping it from the beginning, by contributing the wisdom of your lived experience so we can grow this digital meeting space to be a place of nurturance, insight, and healing!


Questions for Pondering

And sharing below, if you feel called!

❓ Have you ever experienced what it's like to feel inspired by someone else's creativity?

❓ Have you ever experienced what it's like to feel dampened or intimidated or shutdown by someone else's creativity?

❓ Has your experience with these things changed over time through your own growth and healing journey?


I can't express how excited I am to engage more with you!

So until then...

From here

👉 🌌

Thru here

❤️ 👈

To there


~ Sending so much care! ~


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Awesome. So happy to have you!

I look forward to connecting more soon.

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